Published October 3, 2024 | Version v1
Event Open

First EOSC-ENTRUST Evaluation and Adoption Workshop



Our first EOSC-ENTRUST Evaluation & Adoption workshop took place in Helsinki on 24-25 September. With 40 participants from across Europe, we advanced our understanding on the requirements for a European network of Trusted Research Environments. We looked at Interoperability, Governance and Capability aspects of a joint blueprint that in the future will enable federated sensitive data access and analysis.
The First EOSC-ENTRUST Evaluation & Adoption Workshop was organised by the Architecture work package, but provided a forum for alignment between all of EOSC-ENTRUST’s WPs. The presentations given by the representatives of the different work packages at the workshop can be found on this zenodo page.

Workshop Objectives

  • Facilitating alignment between the different EOSC-ENTRUST work packages

  • Mapping results from the Drivers and Providers WPs to the Architecture WP

  • Providing input for the related deliverables regarding the blueprint architecture and the TRE Provider Catalogue



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European Commission
EOSC-ENTRUST – EOSC-ENTRUST: A European Network of TRUSTed research environments 101131056