D4.3 – IPSP Guidelines
Armengou, Clara
(Project member)1
Bowker, Lynne
Coslado, María Ángeles
(Project member)3
Kuchma, Iryna
(Project member)4
Laakso, Mikael
(Project member)5
Melinščak Zlodi, Iva
(Project member)6
de Pablo Llorente, Virginia
(Project member)3
Pölönen, Janne
(Project member)5
Redhead, Claire
(Project member)7
Rooryck, Johan
(Project member)8
Ševkušić, Milica
(Project member)4
Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos
(Work package leader)9
Stojanovski, Jadranka
(Project member)10
Stone, Graham
(Project member)11
- Barker, Mitchelle5
Bassinet, Aricia6
Roger Bria Ramírez, Marc7
van Edig, Xenia8
Meinecke, Isabella9
Pellin, Elio10
Steiner, Tobias11
Vipavc Brvar, Irena12
- Olimpia Especiosa, Maria13
Hebrang Grgić, Ivana15
Ivanović, Marta14
Kranjec, Irena15
Kukić, Ivana15
Morić Filipović, Ivana14
Pintarić, Neven14
Salopek, Zeljka15
Directory of Open Access Journals
- 2. DOAJ
- 3. Universitat de Barcelona
- 5. Research Software Alliance
- 6. Université de Lorraine
- 7. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- 8. Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- 9. Hamburg State and University Library
- 10. Universitat Bern
- 11. Thoth Open Metadata
- 12. University of Ljubljana
University of Coimbra
University of Zadar
University of Zagreb
This report outlines the development of the Institutional Publisher Service Providers
(IPSP) Guidelines, a deliverable of DIAMAS Task 4.3. The guidelines build on existing
resources and previous outputs from the DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA projects, and aim to
provide comprehensive instructions to help IPSPs meet current standards for Diamond
Open Access (OA) publishing, as defined in the Diamond OA Standard (DOAS) (Consortium
of the DIAMAS Project, 2024).
Following an extensive analysis of resources, 18 thematic areas were identified, based
on their relevance across diverse publishing practices and challenges as well as their
potential to enhance the credibility, efficiency, and capacity of IPSPs. These topics align
with the seven core components of the DOAS, and correspond to the scope and contents
of the forthcoming IPSP Toolsuite (D4.3).
The guidelines were collaboratively drafted by DIAMAS and CRAFT-OA partners and
reviewed by the Toolsuite Editorial Board. To ensure accessibility for a broader
audience, the guidelines have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Croatian
and will be integrated into the DIAMAS Common Access Point (CAP) as part of the online
IPSP Toolsuite.
The guidelines will be regularly updated with new resources and tools to ensure they
remain current and continue to support best practices in OA publishing.