Published July 31, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.1: Plan-Track-Assess Pathways


This report forms the first technical deliverable of the project aimed at identifying and co-designing the Plan-Track-Assess (PTA) framework and the interactions of its components, i.e. the PTA pathways.

The PTA framework constitutes a high-level, tool-independent framework that outlines how researchers, research managers, and funders can plan, track, and assess the management of Digital Objects (DO) in alignment with the FAIR Guiding Principles. Its main components are: Data Management Plans (DMPs), Scientific Knowledge Graphs (SKGs), and FAIR assessment tools. To develop the pathways conceptual diagrams of the PTA components were prepared consolidating input received from respective service providers of the consortium, which were then validated by the pilots of the project.

Based on these preparatory activities and input, the OSTrails consortium defined three pathways, each representing user needs from a different perspective.

This deliverable is a foundational step in our workplan for it informs the OSTrails architecture highlighting key requirements for Interoperability Frameworks. The findings and recommendations support further technical developments in the project towards enhanced harmonisation and automations.


D1.1_Open Science Plan-Track-Assess Pathways_v1.1.pdf

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OSTrails – Open Science Plan-Track-Assess Pathways 101130187
European Commission

