Published February 26, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SAbyNA D2.1 – Distillation of existing resources for exposure assessment of NFs/NEPs


The aim of H2020 SAbyNA Task 2.1 has been to distil existing data, methods, models and tools for the early estimation of release, fate and exposure for Safe by Design (SbD). This has been a three-fold activity and has been separated into resources for environmental release, fate and exposure; resources for human exposure; and data sources for human and environmental exposure. 

Following  the  criteria  selection  in  Milestone  2.1,  seventeen  models/tools  were  identified  for  environmental release and exposure and distilled. From this, five tools/models for exposure and three tools/models for release and grouping have been shortlisted for Task 2.2. These identified models/tools are generally not suited for SbD purposes. As part of Task 2.2, aspects of the shortlisted tools/models will be optimised for incorporation into GUIDEnano. There are limited nano-specific standards for environmental exposure. Thirteen methods, in which five are nano-specific will be taken forward.

Eleven models/tools were identified for human exposure and the relevant information for these tools/models distilled. Six of these models/tools have been shortlisted for inclusion for optimising in Task 2.2. It was found, as per for environmental tools/models, no tool/model is generally suited for SbD purposes. The shortlisted tools/models will be optimised and incorporated into GUIDEnano as per the environmental tools/models. One identified gap is the lack of tools for dermal exposure; this will be kept under review for potential developments.

Five methods for dustiness and sixteen methods for release & exposure and RMM assessment were identified. Two methods were subsequently excluded. These methods will be taken forward to Task 2.2. Eighteen data sources for human and environmental exposure were shortlisted. Following the criteria defined in Milestone 2.1, this was reduced to eight data sources. Following distillation, three data sources have been identified to  be taken forward. These  are  the eNanoMapper system, the  NanoCommons platform and the MESOCOSM database management system.  


D2.1 – Distillation of existing resources for exposure assessment of NFs-NEPs.pdf

Additional details


SAbyNA – Simple, robust and cost-effective approaches to guide industry in the development of safer nanomaterials and nano-enabled products 862419
European Commission