Published March 4, 2024 | Version v20240319
Dataset Open

Landsat-based Spectral Indices for pan-EU 2000-2022



General description

Here, we present the ARCO (analysis-ready and cloud-optimized) Landsat-based Spectral Indices data cube. Available at 30m resolution from 2000 to 2022, it includes multiple spectral indices and multi-tier predictors (bimonthly, annual, and long-term) for continental Europe, including Ukraine, the UK, and Turkey (excluding Svalbar). This data cube has a broad coverage of indices, each providing unique insights into different aspects, including: surface reflectance, vegetation, water, soil and crop. All data layers are cloud-masked and then gap-filled, ready for analysis, modeling, and mapping applications. Technical details:

  • Coordinate reference system: EPSG:3035
  • Bounding box (Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): (900,000, 899,000, 7,401,000, 5,501,000)
  • Spatial resolution: 30m
  • Image size: 216,700P x 153,400L
  • File format: Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) format.

Considering the data volume, only bimonthly data layers for the years 2000 and 2022 are uploaded. However, all annual and long-term layers are available. For the full data cube, please visit this catalog. Due to Zenodo's storage limits, the data layers are stored in different buckets. Use the identifier-navigation list below to access the bucket of your interest and download the corresponding layers.

Identifier navigation list

This data cube includes 4 tiers of data, depending on the processing extend in the temporal scale:

Name convention

To ensure consistency and ease of use across the data layers, we follow the standard Ai4SoilHealth and Open-Earth-Monitor file-naming convention. The convention works with 10 fields that describe important properties of the data. In this way users can search files, prepare data analysis etc, without needing to open files. The fields are:

  1. generic variable name: ndti.min.slopes = the long term slope of minNDTI
  2. variable procedure combination: glad.landsat.ard2.seasconv.yearly.min.theilslopes - theil slopes calculated from yearly minimum values of NDTI
  3. Position in the probability distribution/variable type: m = mean | sd = standard deviation | n = number of observations | qa = quality assessment
  4. Spatial support: 30m
  5. Depth reference: s = surface
  6. Time reference begin time: 20000101 = 2000-01-01
  7. Time reference end time: 20221231 = 2022-12-31
  8. Bounding box: eu = europe (without Svalbar)
  9. EPSG code: epsg.3035
  10. Version code: v20231218 = 2023-12-18 (creation date)


Please cite this dataset using the DOI: [10.5281/zenodo.10776891], which represents all versions of this dataset. This ensures your citation remains up to date with the latest version.


If you discover a bug, artifact, or inconsistency, or if you have a question, please raise a GitHub issue!

Long-term spectral indices trend

On this landing page of the Time-series of Landsat-based Spectral Indices (EU, 30m) data cube,  four long-term spectral indices trend data are stored, as Zenodo doesn't allow empty buckets. Therefore, this page serves not only as the landing page for the entire dataset but also as the bucket for the long-term trend of spectral indices.



Additional details


European Commission
AI4SoilHealth – AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory 101086179