Published October 14, 2024 | Version 1.2.1
Software Open

Automatic oxygen saturation signal analysis software

  • 1. ROR icon University of Eastern Finland
  • 2. ROR icon Kuopio University Hospital
  • 3. Sleep Disorders Unit, Loewenstein Hospital - Rehabilitation Center


Software version 1.2.1 is here! Made changes from version 1.1 are presented in the corresponding file.

Automatic blood oxygen saturation signal analysis software. This software automatically detects desaturation and following recovery events from the blood oxygen saturation signal. The software calculates numerous event-specific metrics for each scored event. From these metrics, several parameters are calculated. These parameters have been shown to be very useful, for example, in the severity assessment and phenotyping of sleep apnea. 

The user can decide how the desaturation events are scored by selecting the minimum event duration and minimum transient drop criteria for the desaturations. In addition, (optionally) the user can input analysis start/end times and/or hypnograms for each recording. These can be used to define the total analysis time used in parameter calculations.

Version 1.1 of the software takes .EDF files as an input from which the oxygen saturation signals are retrieved.  From version 1.2 onwards ABOSA also supports SleepLab Format (SLF). The software enables batch-like analysis, i.e. all .EDF/SLF files in the input folder are analysed in one go. 

Software is programmed with MATLAB. However, the user does not need to have MATLAB to use the software. Before the first use, MATLAB runtime is installed, if the computer does not have it installed.

Publication describing the structure and validation of the ABOSA software (version 1.1) has been published in the Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine -journal with title "ABOSA - Freely available automatic blood oxygen saturation signal analysis software: Structure and validation", DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107120. In case ABOSA is used in the scientific publication, the above mentioned article should be cited, in addition to this Zenodo page.

Software is intended for research use only.


Note for installation!

When installing the ABOSA .exe file, you might get 'Windows protected your PC' -message. This message can be bypassed by opening the properties (right click the .exe), and by checking the 'unblock' -box under the General tab. After this, you should be able to install ABOSA normally.


Windows operating system is required as ABOSA is compiled with Windows, and thus, installed from .exe format.


This work was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 965417), Nordforsk (NordSleep project 90458) via Business Finland (5133/31/2018), the Academy of Finland (323536), the Research Committee of the Kuopio University Hospital Catchment Area for the State Research Funding (projects 5041767, 5041770, 5041787, 5041794, and 5041797), Instrumentarium Science Foundation, Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation, and The Finnish Cultural Foundation – North Savo Regional Fund.



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Related works

Is published in
Journal article: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107120 (DOI)


Research Council of Finland
New Enhanced and Individualized Diagnostic Paradigm for Obstructive Sleep Apnea 323536
European Commission
SLEEP REVOLUTION – Revolution of sleep diagnostics and personalized health care based on digital diagnostics and therapeutics with health data integration 965417


Programming language