Published October 8, 2024 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Metadata dataset: benchmark datasets for modelling

  • 1. ROR icon Aarhus University
  • 2. ROR icon Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
  • 3. ROR icon Wageningen University & Research
  • 4. ROR icon Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • 5. ROR icon Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek
  • 1. ROR icon Aarhus University
  • 2. ROR icon Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek
  • 3. ROR icon Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • 4. ROR icon Wageningen University & Research
  • 5. ROR icon Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • 6. ROR icon Teagasc - The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority
  • 7. ROR icon Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
  • 8. ROR icon Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  • 9. ROR icon Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • 10. ROR icon University of Freiburg
  • 11. ROR icon Agroscope


The main goal of the Soil Mission MARVIC project is to develop a framework for designing harmonized context-specific Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems for carbon farming, in support of the EU Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming (CRCF) regulation.

The scope of this report (MARVIC Deliverable 2.1) is to provide a metadata dataset of benchmark sites (BS) that are relevant to the calibration and validation of models used within the MARVIC test cases. The dataset provided by Deliverable 2.1 describes the main characteristics of each site, such as pedoclimatic conditions, management practices applied, soil chemical, physical, and biological parameters, and details the measured variables that have been collected over time. 


MARVIC_D2.1_Metadata dataset benchmark datasets for modelling_v1.0_submitted20241008.pdf

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Related works

Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.11912020 (DOI)


European Commission
MARVIC – Developing and testing a framework for the design of harmonized, context-specific Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems for soil Carbon and greenhouse gas balances by Agricultural activities 101112942