Published September 30, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

The Guidelines for Producing the ATRIUM Curriculum

  • 1. ROR icon Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
  • 1. ROR icon Polo Universitario Città di Prato
  • 2. OPERAS
  • 3. PRISMA
  • 4. ROR icon Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure


These Guidelines for Producing the ATRIUM Curriculum provide a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices for the creation, development, and presentation of training resources within the ATRIUM project. The overall goal of these Guidelines is to ensure that all training materials adhere to the highest standards of quality, accessibility, consistency and usability. At the same time, the Guidelines also align with the broader goals of the ATRIUM initiative to provide vastly improved access to a rich portfolio of state-of-the-art services available to researchers across countries, languages, domains and media.

Specifically, these Guidelines have three sets of goals:

1. Establish the general principles of Open Science and FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) in the context of Open Educational Resources (OER) as the overall framework for developing and disseminating the ATRIUM Curriculum;
2. Foreground the guiding pedagogical principles underlying the ATRIUM Curriculum to be published on DARIAH-Campus; and
3. Provide a detailed style guide for structuring and formatting ATRIUM training materials in order to ensure consistency across the curriculum, which will be produced by different project partners.


D7.2_The Guidelines for Producing the ATRIUM Curriculum.pdf

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European Commission
ATRIUM – Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities 101132163