Published September 23, 2024 | Version 1.0
Presentation Open

The UNIBO path: how we comply with the Declaration's Commitments

  • 1. University of Bologna


Adherence to the Barcelona Declaration is consistent with the general principles and policies of the University. It contributes to achieving the strategic objectives of the University regarding open science, which include the principles of quality and transparency in research and evaluation, the University policy for open access to research data and publications, the University policy for the management of research data, and the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. Furthermore, it complies with the commitments of other international initiatives supported by the University, including CoARA, which involves using open and fully reusable data in evaluation processes to guarantee transparency and impartiality, as well as control by the scientific community. In this speech, I will present the activities that the University of Bologna has implemented and continues to implement to comply with the Barcelona Declaration, as well as the possible immediate obstacles and long-term objectives. The aim is to showcase real examples of actions signatories (particularly Universities) can implement, thus offering knowledge exchange and guidance on implementing the Declaration’s fundamental commitments and principles.

Notes (En)

Presentation at the Paris Conference on Open Research Information (Sept 23-24 2024) in Session 2: Universities: data and practical implementations


Barcelona Declaration - UNIBO - 2024-09-23.pdf

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