Published July 15, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.2. Roadmap for FAIR in-situ observations for the Green Deal (Final)

  • 1. Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals
  • 2. ROR icon Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Applications
  • 3. ROR icon Aston University


  • 1. Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals


The common Green Deal Data Space will interconnect currently fragmented and dispersed data from various sources (including in-situ, statistical, cartographical and remote sensing), both for/from the private and public sectors, to support the objectives of the European Green Deal. It will offer an interoperable, trusted IT environment for data processing, and a set of rules of legislative, administrative and contractual nature that determine the rights of access to and use of the data.

This document is the Deliverable 2.2 of the AD4GD project. It presents the results achieved in the context of Work Package 2 “In-situ networks, CitSci and Socioeconomic Data”. The reader should consider that the document builds on the text of the previous Deliverable 2.1 (of the same title) and extends and modifies it.
The document discusses how AD4GD applies the FAIR principles to the GDDS via the European Network of Earth Observation Networks (ENEON) graph, the list of identified in-situ data networks, their relations with the Essential Variables (EVs), the recommendations for aligning GEO DMPs to the FAIR principles and the 12 technical components identified in AD4GD to make the data in the GDDS more compliant to FAIR. The main networks of Earth Observation (e.g. research infrastructures) are recorded in the ENEON. In order to be useful for AD4GD, the original graph has been updated and extended beyond research infrastructures. A detailed report of changes, applied to the original graph, is presented. The role of the critical in-situ data sources for the GDDS is also addressed, including RI, CitSci, INSPIRE and the HVD, and IoT. In addition, the high priority datasets and services as identified by the GREAT project have been analysed with in-situ data on focus and a summary of this analysis is presented. An overview of the Essential Variables as a common framework to semantically tag in-situ data is presented and the use of I-ADOPT ontology framework, designed to facilitate interoperability between existing variable description models across domains by re-using FAIR vocabulary terms, is proposed. AD4GD has expressed the Essential Biodiversity Variables using the I-ADOPT ontology and included the 84 products defined by EuropaBON in the OGC Rainbow.

A set of recommendations to align the GEO data management principles with the FAIR principles is presented. In this deliverable we demonstrate that with minimum changes the GEO DMP can be mapped to the FAIR principles formulating 15 concrete recommendations. We also demonstrate that the three pilots (Water quality, Biodiversity, Air Quality) use components of the AD4GD architecture that contribute to make the pilot data FAIR. Indeed, the pilot needs are covered by a set of 12 components that, once combined together, form the full AD4GD architecture. A summary of the contributions to FAIR of each component is provided.



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AD4GD – All Data 4 Green Deal - An Integrated, FAIR Approach for the Common European Data Space 101061001
European Commission