Published September 9, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.1 Preliminary versions of suspect screening and NTS analysis


Developing standard operating protocols (SOPs) for runoff analysis – to be used both within D4RUNOFF and beyond – is among the main aims of WP1. It is an iterative process that draws on previous studies and methodologies to develop and improve workflows sample preparation, chemical analysis, data processing, and cheminformatics.
This document presents the preliminary versions of suspect screening and non-target screening (NTS) workflows.

The workflows have already been tested on pilot samples collected in M3 of the project. This ensures their usefulness for runoff analysis and provides a good starting point for further developments during the project.
While this draft is therefore based on extensive experience with the methodologies, each step in the workflows will be further developed during the project. Toward the end of WP1, fully detailed standard operating protocols for suspect screening and NTS will be delivered as part of D1.2 and D1.5.


D1.1 Preliminary versions of suspect screening and NTS analysis.pdf

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D4RUNOFF – Data driven implementation of hybrid nature based solutions for preventing and managing diffuse pollution from urban water runoff 101060638
European Commission


Draft version
Final version modified to revision comments.