Guidelines for Plus Energy Buildings business models
The CULTURAL-E project focuses on the implementation of Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs), and therefore, studies plus energy demonstration buildings in four European climate zones. As a contribution to this research project, this study aims to support the implementation of PEBs with the definition of accompanying business models (BMs).
In view of the multiple crises, we find ourselves in (in particular the climate crisis and the Ukraine crisis), the switch to renewable energy is becoming increasingly important in order to both counteract the climate crisis and to become independent of international energy trading and consequently ensure a secure energy supply.
PEBs are a sustainable way of enabling this fundamental transformation, as they generate more energy than they consume. For the widespread implementation of PEBs, economic incentives are needed in addition to political incentives. In order to incentivize PEBs for house builders and owners, BMs were defined within this study that aim to market the benefits of PEBs in the best possible way. At the same time, these BMs should involve as little effort as possible for the PEB owner so that they remain attractive for the operator and affordable for the end customer. With these considerations in mind, the BMs "All incl. Rent" (Landlord-to-tenant-electricity), "All incl. Rent - Type Contracting" (Contracting), "Energy Budget" (Contracting), and "PEBs for Renewable Energy Communities" (PEBs for RECs) were developed in combination with PEBs.
A qualitative approach was chosen to analyse the obstacles and opportunities associated with the implementation of these new BMs. Semi-structured online interviews with experts from the construction sector from France, Germany and Italy were conducted following the structure of a SWOT analysis. The SWOT results were evaluated with a context analysis to provide an insight into the development of the above-mentioned BMs in terms of their potential. Furthermore, this evaluation contributes to the formulation of policy recommendations, marketing strategies, and guidelines for building owners and investors to facilitate the implementation of PEBs. In this
context, our study emphasises the need for policy adjustments and innovative financial mechanisms to overcome the barriers to the implementation of PEBs.
More precisely, concerning political recommendations, the study emphasises among others the adjustment of current legal frameworks to allow for private energy trade, so that more people have the opportunity to purchase cheap local renewable energy, which can contribute to the fight against energy poverty. These and other recommendations can assist decision-makers and stakeholders in regions in and beyond the countries analysed.
In view of the number of respondents, it is not possible to speak of a single preferred BM. Nevertheless, the pure results show that the majority favours the Energy Budget BM. According to the SWOT Analysis the reason for favouring this BM lies in the fact that it is currently the most feasible to implement under consideration of the legal Frameworks of the countries analysed, while it is also comparatively easy to implement in terms of time and costs. In addition, the interviews revealed that the All incl. Rent BM and the All incl. Rent - Type Contracting BM with their all-inclusive "one-contract" rental agreement enjoyed a favourable response from the interviewees. The one-contract was seen as very attractive from the tenant's point of view, because the simpler the contract, the bigger the incentive for the tenant to buy it. This approach is in the spirit of the time of our fast-moving world driven by globalisation, in which a simple contract means less bureaucracy than many different contracts and thus enables renting on a short-term basis.
From now on, it only needs to be seen whether these BMs will pave the way for a market for PEBs, and thereby help to support the ET in the building sector positively.
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