Published August 28, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted



The following document presents a communication plan for the project AQUASERV, which merges a group of specialised RIs with a strong focus on aquatic and social sciences, offering extensive scientific services and technologies to support European policies. An introduction section provides an adequate context of the project, identifying its expected impact, a summary, and a SWOT analysis relating to how it is communicated. From there, we identify the primary communication and dissemination goals of AQUASERV: 1) attracting existing and new users of AQUASERV services; 2) enhancing societal understanding of the role of R&I and RIs in implementing EU policies; 3) communicating and engaging with key audiences; and 4) disseminating AQUASERV results. The main target audiences are then identified and characterised. They consist of: 1) researchers from academia; 2) researchers from industry; 3) policymakers; and 4) the general public. We defined a key message to address all target audiences, summarising the main goal of AQUASERV, which should be used as a slogan: “Research services for sustainable aquaculture, fisheries and the Blue Economy”. Several other messages were defined to engage with the different target audiences. As for strategy, this plan establishes several communication channels and resources that ensure robust and impactful communication during and after the project, including a communication toolkit and a network of communication officers from the different partners. The strategy entails three different sets of targeted communication activities to engage with the different target audiences: communication, dissemination and outreach. A strategy for the dissemination of TA results is also outlined. Finally, this plan lists the different communication channels to be developed, their key messages, tone of voice, and target audiences. It also includes a brief description of the type of actions that will be implemented. The document closes with a time planner of all the projected activities for this communication plan. The present communication plan is part of the WP2 Communication, Dissemination and Outreach. It was developed by the CCMAR team, with input from all other partners. It will exclusively be used internally among the different project partners.



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European Commission