Published November 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open D5.1 - Initial plan for dissemination, exploitation, communication, and training activities


This document provides an update and plan for communications, dissemination, exploitation and training activities in the project. It reports on activities to date and provides an effective and overarching plan of action to promote the services to EC-funded projects and to attract members of the European Standardisation ecosystem to become standardisation experts.

This document describes the overall methodology and strategy, and explains how specific stakeholder groups are targeted through a series of communications and dissemination activities. These include H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, standardisation experts, standardisation organisations and policy makers including the European Commission. As well as providing a status on communications activities with these stakeholders, the document also provides information on the range of communications channels leveraged to perform and execute the plan. This includes the project website, social media channels, email campaigns and events. In Month 9 (November 2022) a healthy community has been built and this is also described.

Looking ahead, the project is now moving into a critical phase as services are delivered. The document provides a detailed overview of specific communications actions targeting target stakeholders based on open call topics. It also provides a timely introduction and next steps for the soon-to-be-released Training Academy. Finally, we provide a high-level overview of future plans to develop the exploitation plan in Year 2.

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D5.1_HSbooster.eu_Initial plan for dissemination, exploitation_v1.0_Final.pdf

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European Commission – Standardisation Booster for H2020 & HE research results 101058391