Published February 13, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open D4.3 - Intermediate Standards Impact Report

Description offers expert services to European projects to help them engage with Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and Technical Committees (TCs). This engagement is crucial for aligning project outcomes with existing and developing standards, ensuring relevance and applicability in their respective fields. As reported during Deliverable D4.1, the focus is on the premium services where such an impact could be gathered and reported. Therefore, D4.3 presents a monitoring strategy for the project's engagement process, enabling partners to identify more progress and status impacted by It documents new Experts, Standards activities attended, extended premium services deep dive workshop series, CEN Workshop Agreements, and training of Standards leaders.

The goal of Deliverable D4.3, as stated in the Description of Action, is to provide an “Intermediate Standards Impact Report for Projects Onboarded, SDOs engaged, Standards documents contributed to, event reporting, At the time this report is due, keep track of the results and problems, make an evaluation module and a feedback system for applicants, and come up with a standard operating process.

The Expert Advisory Group’s (EAG) expertise and broader understanding of the standards domain are crucial for delivering the most impactful piece to the HSBooster project, which will be expanded under sections 3, 4 and 5. We have received a total of 31 recommendations from the 35 reports that have been reviewed by EAG.

Additionally, one of the vital impacts that the project can demonstrate in this report is the standards catalogue. It will be demonstrated in Section 5. This would also aid in influencing the standards that are pertinent to our projects. Given the diverse nature of emerging technologies, multiple committees could benefit from our input. This report provides an overview of the impact of the standards catalogue and presents the results of the practical guidance and support offered. It also emphasizes the proactive measures to engage with the most appropriate SDO or WG to guide the projects toward the most promising standardization pathways.

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D4.3 - Intermediate Standards Impact Report.pdf

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European Commission – Standardisation Booster for H2020 & HE research results 101058391