Material stock map of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
Understanding the size and spatial distribution of material stocks is crucial for sustainable resource management and climate change mitigation. This study presents high-resolution maps of buildings and mobility infrastructure stocks for the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland (IRL) at 10 m, combining satellite-based Earth observations, OpenStreetMaps, and material intensities research. Stocks in the UK and IRL amount to 19.8 Gigatons or 279 tons/cap, predominantly aggregate, concrete and bricks, as well as various metals and timber. Building stocks per capita are surprisingly similar across medium to high population density, with only the lowest population densities having substantially larger per capita stocks. Infrastructure stocks per capita decrease with higher population density. Interestingly, for a given building stock within an area, infrastructure stocks are substantially larger in IRL than in the UK. These maps can provide useful insights for sustainable urban planning and advancing a circular economy.
This dataset features a detailed map of material stocks in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland on a 10m grid based on high resolution Earth Observation data (Sentinel-1 + Sentinel-2), crowd-sourced geodata (OSM) and material intensity factors.
Spatial extent
This dataset covers the whole British Isles. Due to processing reasons, the dataset is internally structured into the Island of Ireland, and the Island of Great Britain.
Temporal extent
The map is representative for ca. 2018.
Data format
The data are organized by nations. Within each nation, data are split into 100km x 100km tiles (EQUI7 grid), and mosaics are provided.
Within each tile, images for area, volume, and mass at 10m spatial resolution are provided. Units are m², m³, and t, respectively. Each metric is split into buildings, other, rail and street (note: In the paper, other, rail, and street stocks are subsumed to mobility infrastructure). Each category is further split into subcategories (e.g. building types).
Additionally, a grand total of all stocks is provided at multiple spatial resolutions and units, i.e.
- t at 10m x 10m
- kt at 100m x 100m
- Mt at 1km x 1km
- Gt at 10km x 10km
For each nation, mosaics of all above-described data are provided in GDAL VRT format, which can readily be opened in most Geographic Information Systems. File paths are relative, i.e. DO NOT change the file structure or file naming.
Additionally, the grand total mass per nation is tabulated for each island in mass_grand_total_t_10m2.tif.csv. County code and the ID in this table can be related via zones_name_pop.csv.
Material layers
Note that material-specific layers are not included in this repository because of upload limits. Only the totals are provided (i.e. the sum over all materials).
Further information
For further information, please see the publication.
Visit our website to learn more about our project MAT_STOCKS - Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society.
D. Wiedenhofer, F. Schug, H. Gauch, M. Lanau, M. Drewniok, A. Baumgart, D. Virág, H. Watt, A. Cabrera Serrenho, D. Densley Tingley, H. Haberl, D. Frantz (2024): Mapping material stocks of buildings and mobility infrastructure in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 206, 107630.
This research was primarly funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (MAT_STOCKS, grant agreement No 741950).
We thank the European Space Agency and the European Commission for freely and openly sharing Sentinel imagery; Microsoft for Building Footprints; Geofabrik and all contributors for OpenStreetMap.This dataset was partly produced on EODC - we thank Clement Atzberger for supporting the generation of this dataset by sharing disc space on EODC, and Wolfgang Wagner for granting access to preprocessed Sentinel-1 data.
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- Publication: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.107630 (DOI)