Published October 2, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

In Rural Areas Internet Connection Problems and Solution Recommendations Experienced in The Process of Using Smart Agriculture Methods in Olive Farming


The olive is one of the most important crops grown in the Mediterranean region, both in terms of total surface area and its
socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Olive and olive oil are the essential components of the Mediterranean diet and are
largely consumed in the world. It is very significant to provide economic and environmental sustainability by better managing
scarce natural resources in olive farming. Modern planting systems, mechanization and digitalization are taking place rapidly in
olive farming around the world. In Türkiye, olive production mostly is done with traditional methods, and most producers belong
to rural communities. The rise of new technologies, such as the Internet of Things, is expected to contribute to the increase of the
productivity of agricultural and farming activities by improving yields and reducing cost. Olive fruit fly is the primary pest of olive
and causes a significant amount of yield and quality losses. Using early warning systems could accurately determine the spraying
times by using climate data in the control of diseases and pests in olive orchards. In this research; at the workshop organized
within COMMECT, an EU HORIZON project (Project aims to contribute to a balanced territorial development of the EU’s rural areas
and their communities by making smart agriculture) the views of 65 selected olive producers on the use of early warning systems,
their connection status and the problems experienced were evaluated. As a consequence in this study connection problems and
solution recommendations were underlined and recent developments in this area were discussed with cost-effective and
environmentally friendly approaches.


In Rural Areas Internet Connection Problems and Solution Recommendations.pdf

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COMMECT – Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Cost-effective and Environmental-Friendly Connectivity Solutions 101060881
European Commission


Pen Academic Publishing