Published June 25, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

PREP4BLUE D4.2: Customized Knowledge Management Method for Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters

  • 1. ERINN Innovation


Funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, PREP4BLUE is a €4.9 million, three-year project that will set the foundations for co-creating and co-implementing the research and innovation required to achieve the ‘EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters’ (furthermore referred to as the Mission). The PREP4BLUE Work Package 4 delivers ‘Knowledge Management for R&I core: Identifying and Transferring Knowledge/Solutions to Support the Mission’. WP4 is aimed at showcasing at pilot scale fitfor-purpose methods to manage knowledge in support of the Mission. In WP4-Task4.3, knowledge emerging from recent European research that would be of interest to the Mission is identified, described and analysed. This deliverable reports the results in Task 4.3 ‘Collect and Analyse Mission Knowledge/Solutions’, including the High potential KERs relevant for the Mission.

Please note: The deliverable has been submitted but has yet to be approved by the Commission. As such, the report may be subject to changes. 


P4B_D4.2_Customized Knowledge Management Method.pdf

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PREP4BLUE – Preparing the Research & Innovation Core for Mission Ocean, Seas & Waters 101056957
European Commission