Published June 21, 2024 | Version v1
Presentation Open

6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series: Webinar #1 'Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks'

  • 1. Nokia Bell Labs
  • 2. Universidad Carlos III Madrid
  • 3. ROR icon University of Amsterdam
  • 4. Ericsson
  • 5. ROR icon KTH Royal Institute of Technology


The 6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series, a collaborative initiative between PREDICT-6GDESIRE6G and DETERMINISTIC6G. This quarterly series aims to delve into the intricate and transformative aspects of these sister projects, featuring expert speakers that will explore the latest developments and innovations shaping the future of 6G technology. Each session will provide in-depth information and foster key discussions for practitioners and researchers dedicated to the next generation of wireless communications.

The first webinar focused on ‘Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks’ took place on the 14 of June 2024.

You can find the session recording here


6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series 1_.pdf

Files (11.8 MB)

Additional details


PREDICT-6G – PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G 101095890
European Commission