Published December 31, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

First Living Lab Report

  • 1. Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research
  • 2. Institute for Rural Development Research
  • 3. Ersilia Foundation
  • 4. Foundation for the Development of Polish Agriculture
  • 5. Faculty of Agriculture - University of Belgrade
  • 6. Gloucestershire Rural Community Council
  • 7. OI North Italian Industrial Tomatoes
  • 8. ROR icon Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences


The Austrian Pilot Region Nockregion-Oberkärnten is located in the Central Alps, in the southernmost province of Austria (Carinthia) and includes 17 municipalities that face a persistent challenge of population decline. The total area spans 1,324 km2, with a permanent settlement area comprising only about 15% of the area. Key sectors include tourism, agriculture, forestry, trade, industry, and construction.

Living Lab achievements

Besides a continuous exchange with the Pilot Region Partner about project process, RUSTIK tasks and the formation and organization of the Living Lab, several activities were undertaken to gain a deeper understanding of regional processes within the Pilot Region, its governance structure, mode of cooperation, transition challenges and data needs. Based on a first contact with regional stakeholders during the first stakeholder workshop two focus group meetings were conducted bringing together Pilot Region Partner, regional actors, and Living Lab Coordinator. Furthermore, participant observation was conducted during an ongoing LEADER project, dealing with the possibilities of creating the best working and living environment. Additionally, five expert interviews were conducted with small business owners representing diverse sectors and branches (hotel industry, agriculture, business consulting, IT, and the clothing industry). The primary objectives of these interviews were to capture the current state of Small Rural Businesses in the region in terms of perceived challenges and to identify areas that need more attention and support as well as pinpoint data needs.

Key learning to date

Key learnings from Cycle 1 revealed a robust Pilot Region Partner with a trusted network of stakeholders, fostering active participation and enthusiasm among stakeholders eager to contribute to the region's development. The active engagement of our partner in regional development presented a unique aspect, making it challenging to pinpoint topics that haven't been explored in previous projects. The primary challenge identified was the ongoing socioeconomic transition in Nockregion-Oberkärnten, aligning with the Pilot Region Partner's regional strategy of "becoming the best working and living region". Discussions with the Pilot Region Partner and within the focus group led to the development of two potential topics for the upcoming data experiment in Cycle 2, i) Applying a Quality of Life Index and ii) Establishing a network of  Small Rural Businesses. Subsequently, the decision was made to pursue the second concept, focusing on small rural businesses, as the application of the Quality of Life Index was deemedunsuitable for the data experiment.



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European Commission
RUSTIK – Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes 101061051
UK Research and Innovation
RUSTIK: Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes 10041384