Published June 12, 2024
| Version 1
Blue-Cloud 2026 - D2.6 Tuning between Blue-Cloud Data Lakes and DTO development, 1st report
The European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO) initiative, announced by President
von der Leyen, aims to harness digital technology to provide comprehensive
knowledge of the ocean. The European Digital Twin of the Ocean seeks to
provide an innovative set of user-driven, interactive and decision-making
tools backed by the best science and data. Its core development is underway
with the European Union (EU) funding through the European Digital Twin
Ocean (EDITO) R&D projects. Two sister projects, namely EDITO-Infra and
EDITO-Model Lab, are building the operational backbone infrastructure of
the European Digital Twin Ocean. Key components of the EDITO approach
include a Data Lake, Processing Engine, and Virtual Simulation Environment.
EDITO aims to integrate and expand existing European assets and
capabilities, starting with the Copernicus Marine and EMODnet data and
services, to develop the EU Public Infrastructure for the EU DTO. The
vision is to widen the engagement to additional projects and
infrastructures that can contribute with complementary data, services,
algorithms, and computing resources. From that perspective, EDITO is
considering engagement through projects such as ILIAD and Blue-Cloud 2026
and several other EU research projects and e-infrastructures, such as
EuroHPC. The plan is also to integrate EDITO with Destination Earth
(DestinE), the European Commission's flagship initiative for a sustainable
future. The DTO Task Force in Blue-Cloud 2026 has been set up to ensure the
complementarity of Blue-Cloud 2026 with ongoing Digital Ocean initiatives.
Therefore, the Blue-Cloud DTO Task Force seeks to identify complementary
data resources and analytical services which Blue-Cloud could contribute to
the EU DTO data lake and applications portfolio. To be able to deliver
these on an operational basis, the Blue-Cloud DTO Task Force aims to
promote and elaborate technical synergies and interoperability between
EDITO and the Blue-Cloud architectures, data and services. The Task Force's
activities began with a presentation and short discussion at the Blue-Cloud
2026 Kick-Off meeting, where the EDITO initiative was introduced. This was
followed by a dedicated workshop between managers and developers of the
Blue-Cloud 2026, EDITO-Infra and EDITO-Modellab projects. The presentations
and discussions created a level playing field and gave the early impression
that the technologies in use in Blue-Cloud and EDITO are already quite
aligned. Areas of potential collaboration were identified, and for the
short term, a plan was made to demonstrate synergy between Blue-Cloud 2026
and EDITO at the upcoming Digital Ocean Forum 2024 (DOF 2024) in June 2024
by deploying a copy of a successful Blue-Cloud VLab at the EDITO
infrastructure. In the meantime, this plan has been accepted by the DOF
2024 organisers, including EU DG RTD and DG MARE, and technical activities
have started to roll out this plan. For the longer term, more structural
cooperation and connectivity will be desired as Blue-Cloud is developing
and delivering an increasing portfolio of Virtual Labs with potential for
use in the EU DTO context while also building an interesting data provision
through a federation of multiple leading data repositories and deploying
fast performing data lakes with high-quality data and data products, which
might complement the core data offer for EDITO from Copernicus Marine and
EMODnet. Therefore, ongoing dialogue and technical exchanges are required
to identify in more detail the added value that Blue-Cloud 2026 could offer
to the EU DTO data and services portfolio and to elaborate on how smart
connectivity could be established between the Blue-Cloud digital ecosystem
and the EDITO infrastructure to achieve a dynamic exchange. These
discussions and analyses should become part of a roadmap for
co-construction between Blue-Cloud 2026 and EDITO, which could then be
proposed to the EU DTO management team.
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