Published May 7, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D5.2 – Scientific report on hybrid haptic-visual feedback mechanisms for efficient teleoperation of demolition robots


The aim of task 5.2 “Remote interfaces for demolition is the development of a user- centric control console for the remote operation of robots in the hazardous context of demolition. This console will integrate advanced features in viewing and haptics which will increase the sense of telepresence while augmenting the precision and dexterity of the operator.

This deliverable contains a review of studies and techniques oriented to improve the performance and safety in teleoperation tasks with special focus on visual and force feedback. Some of them have been integrated in the teleoperation framework developed in HumanTech which is described in the las point of this document.


D5.2 – Scientific report on hybrid haptic-visual feedback mechanisms for efficient teleoperation of demolition robots.pdf

Additional details


HumanTech – Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry 101058236
European Commission