Published May 2, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Legal and Policy Infrastructures of Returns in the Netherlands - Country Dossier (WP2)

  • 1. ROR icon Radboud University Nijmegen


This report has mapped out the legislative, institutional and procedural frameworks and infrastructures concerned with returning the unauthorised migrants from the Netherlands. A focus on the period 2015-2023 was maintained. An overview on the return statistics is provided. Furthermore, the policy and legislative developments were tracked down. The relation between the Dutch national legislation, the European and international law has beenexplained. The procedures regarding return both at the border and from within the national territory, return of the unaccompanied minors, forced and voluntary return have been explained in detail in section 4. In addition to special cases regarding the obligation to return, entry bans, detention and safeguards. The institutional framework has been outlined where the organisations and involved actors in implementing returns were enlisted as well as the dynamics of their collaboration within the so-called “Migration Chain”. The report has included the readmission efforts of the Netherlands both with EU and non-EU countries, regarding the readmission of the undesirable and the unauthorised migrants in sections 4 and 6. Additionally, the fundings allocated to the return efforts and programs are included under section 7. Finally, the gaps in the legislative, institutional and international cooperation frameworks were highlighted under section 8.


D2.1_GAPs_Netherlands Country Dossier final.pdf

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European Commission
GAPs – De-centring the Study of Migrant Returns and Readmission Policies in Europe and Beyond 101094341