Published December 31, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

REINFORCING Community Engagement Roadmap


EU approval still pending.

The REINFORCING Community Engagement Roadmap is Deliverable 2.1 (D2.1) from the coordination and support action (CSA) REINFORCING Project – Grant Agreement (GA) no. 101094435.

This deliverable introduces the first version of the Community Engagement Roadmap, which includes an overview of the strategy to engage the ORRI community at large to interact with during the duration of the project and a rough timeline of the activation of the different actions.

Engagement activities are at the very centre of the project since they will be essential for the refinement of services and tools to be developed by the REINFORCING consortium and to collect needs from specific sub-communities to define the call texts of the REINFORCING cascading grants.

The roadmap will also provide ethical measures to be addressed in the planned community engagement activities (e.g. informed consent) to ensure they comply with the highest standards.

This document is a living document; it reflects the current state of the art of the REINFORCING project. Throughout the project (M20, M32, and M44), there will be checkpoints to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement and updating.


D2.1 PU.pdf

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European Commission
REINFORCING – Responsible tEerritories and Institutions eNable and Foster Open Research and inClusive Innovation for traNsitions Governance 101094435