Published April 17, 2024
| Version v2
Roadmap Safe and Sustainable Advanced and Innovative Materials 2024-2030
- Flemming R. Cassee1
- Eric A.J. Bleeker1
- Cyrille Durand2
- Thomas Exner3
- Andreas Falk4
- Danail Hristozov5
- Sabine Hofer6
- Norbert Hofstätter6
- Steffi Friedrichs7
- Elisabeth Heunisch8
- Martin Himly6
- Penny Nymark9
- Anna Pohl8
- Lya G. Soeteman-Hernández1
- Blanca Suarez-Merino2
- Eugenia Valsami-Jones10
- Monique Groenewold1
- 1. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
- 2. TEMAS Solutions GmbH, Hausen, Switzerland
- 3. Seven Past Nine
- 4. BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN), Austria
- 5. East European Research and Innovation Enterprise Ltd, Bulgaria
- 6. Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria
- 7. AcumenIST SRL, Brussels, Belgium
- 8. Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- 9. Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden
- 10. School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Why do we need Safe and Sustainable Design of innovative advanced materials? The current situation serves as a compelling reason to prioritize activities in accordance with the needs outlined in this roadmap, with the aim of averting a future where we are constantly playing catch-up due to past ignorance. Instead, we should strive to achieve a successful transformation towards a safe and sustainable,toxic-free world.
(Version 2 includes the project acknowledgements and minor revisions)
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- European Commission
- BreadCell – Upgrading of cellulose fibers into porous materials 964430
- European Commission
- DIAGONAL – Development and scaled Implementation of sAfe by design tools and Guidelines for multicOmponent aNd hArn nanomateriaLs 953152
- European Commission
- DeDNAed – Cluster decorated recognition elements on DNA origami for enhanced raman spectroscopic detection methods 964248
- European Commission
- HARMLESS – Advanced High Aspect Ratio and Multicomponent materials: towards comprehensive intelLigent tEsting and Safe by design Strategies 953183
- European Commission
- NanoHarmony – Towards harmonised test methods for nanomaterials 885931
- European Commission
- NanoPAT - Process Analytical Technologies for Industrial Nanoparticle Production 862583
- European Commission
- SABYDOMA – Safety BY Design Of nanoMaterials - From Lab Manufacture to Governance and Communication: Progressing Up the TRL Ladder 862296
- European Commission
- SbD4Nano – Computing infrastructure for the definition, performance testing and implementation of safe-by-design approaches in nanotechnology supply chains 862195
- European Commission
- SUNSHINE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN Strategies for HIgh performance multi-component NanomatErials 952924
- European Commission
- ACCORDs – Green deal inspired correlative imaging-based characterization for safety profiling of 2D materials 101092796
- European Commission
- IRISS – The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and processes 101058245
- European Commission
- MACRAME – Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of Advanced Materials 101092686
- European Commission
- PINK – Provision of Integrated Computational Approaches for Addressing New Markets Goals for the Introduction of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design Chemicals and Materials 101137809
- European Commission
- POTENTIAL – Platform Optimisation To Enable NanomaTerIAL safety assessment for rapid commercialisation 101092901
- European Commission
- SUNRISE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN: integRated approaches for Impact aSsessment of advanced matErials 101137324
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- SmartCERIALS - Smart CERIum dioxide-based nanocomposites for AntimicrobiaL Surface applications 890610
- Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie
- NanoSyn4 - Nano-Community in Austria – Synergien durch (inter)nationale Kooperation BMK 2023-0.194.696