Published September 28, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D6.6 - Report on the outcomes on the second OntoCommons Horizontal Workshop as well as with Synergies with related projects

  • 1. Trust-IT Services
  • 1. GCL
  • 2. UKRI
  • 3. UIBK
  • 4. UNIBO
  • 5. ICF


This deliverable reports on the second Horizontal Workshop of OntoCommons The four-day event provided the platform for engagement between more than 2001 European and International stakeholders (from 39 different countries) to discuss and identify priorities and recommendations on the future of standardized data documentation. The event showcased best practices, identified future challenges and provided recommendations which will feed into the final release of the OntoCommons Strategic Roadmap due in M36.
The workshop featured 27 sessions with over 75 expert speakers, as well as prototyping labs and students training, 29 posters exhibitions and 15 presentations from the OntoCommons demonstrators.
The 2nd Horizontal Workshop has helped identify some actions to work on in the future. Please note that the impacts and recommended actions derived from each session are partial reflections of the content discussed. They do not offer a comprehensive view or capture the entirety of insights and suggestions shared during the sessions. Readers are encouraged to consult the full session materials for a more in-depth understanding.



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European Commission
OntoCommons – Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons 958371