Published December 20, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SIMCor. Deliverable 2.5 - Regulatory feedback report (1) (VPH, M19)


This deliverable reports the interactions of the SIMCor consortium with regulatory stakeholders at this point (M18) of the SIMCor project. Those interactions were facilitated via a dedicated SIMCor Regulatory Advisory Board (RAB) meeting or via a continuous liaison between regulators and the in-silico community at large via the VPH partner. The outcomes of the discussions are reported here, and conclusions are derived for future actions and directions.

SIMCor (In-Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular IMplantable devices) has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017578.


SIMCor_D2.5_Regulatory feedback report_VPH_20-12-2022_signed.pdf

Files (434.0 kB)

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European Commission
SIMCOR – In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices 101017578

