Published September 4, 2023 | Version v1
Conference proceeding Open

Magnetic, physical and chemical properties of consolidated Mn-Al-C bulk magnets

  • 1. ROR icon Technical University of Darmstadt
  • 2. Less Common Metals Ltd.
  • 3. ROR icon IMDEA Nanoscience


Rare-earth free permanent magnetic materials attract attention to reduce the dependency of critical materials for technological applications. Among others, Mn-Al based systems are stepping front due to their relatively good magnetic properties for specific application where the "gap" in the energy product are considered. In this work we investigate the structural, microstructural, magnetic and corrosion properties of Mn-Al-C material system which are of interest for application purposes.



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PASSENGER – Pilot Action for Securing a Sustainable European Next Generation of Efficient RE-free magnets 101003914
European Commission