Published January 29, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.1 - Report on communities interested in domain-specific semantics



The core objective of Work Package 3 is to collect community input to formulate guidance and agreements concerning the harmonisation of domain ontologies. In this document we provide a first definition of the relevant domains for the project based on the Description of Actions and the demonstrators. Further relevant domains have been investigated with the help of ENIT. Still, the provided list of domains might not be complete and will be further elaborated in the course of the project. The present list of domains is mainly based on the focus of the OntoCommons project as described in the Grand Agreement. Further relevant domains have been selected, if work on semantic assets were visible and if the domains were similar to the ones mentioned in the Description of Actions. For this, the following platforms have been harvested
- Ontologies registered in Taxonda.
- Semantic assets collected by the RDA group.
- Domains listed on the EMMO GitHub page.
Furthermore, all members of the consortium have been asked to modify the list of domains and add further semantic assets to the list. The domains will be further refined in the upcoming activities in WP3, most importantly in the semantic landscape analysis (T3.2), the upcoming survey (See Chapter 4) and the focussed workshop FW3.1.

For every domain, we present the communities interested in it. These communities consist of organizations and projects, but most importantly of people. For each domain, we collected the relevant people active in the field and interested in domain ontologies, as well as interesting projects and organizations.
We asked all partners in the consortium to provide us with potential stakeholders and relevant people who might be interested in semantics for each domain. These people can be contacted during the project by the OntoCommons partner who added them in this document. In this manner we can ask the stakeholders to register on the OntoCommons Website. Afterwards, the project can invite them to activities, like workshops, which are most relevant to each of them. 
For each identified stakeholder in a domain, we provide the name, affiliation, affiliation country, contact info, if available, as well as groups to which the stakeholder is associated. Due to privacy reasons, we will not publish names and contact information despite the public nature of the deliverable. Instead, we will only publish a censored version, while submitting the original to the European Commission. For each semantic asset, we provide the name, the author/owner or contact together with the intended scope and a download link or a link to material describing the asset in more detail. If there is a demonstrator planned in a domain, we mention it to indicate the importance of the domain for the project.

For the organizations and projects, we reduced the list of D1.1 developed by GCL to those entries which deal with specific domains. We asked the partners to provide relevant contacts for each organization and project. We refer to D1.1 and the provided links to the website for more information and details.

With the important members of the communities and relevant domains identified, the next step is to gather input from the stakeholders. For that matter, a survey is currently being prepared by E-SDF in collaboration with all Work Package partners. The results of the survey will be input for Deliverable 3.2, for which a semantic landscape analysis is performed. In the semantic landscape analysis, the field is scanned for existing and ontologies and semantic assets in much greater detail than in this first document. In the analysis, special attention lies in identifying the gaps in the current domain ontology landscape. UKRI currently prepares a focused workshop for direct interaction with stakeholders. This workshop will be an extended event, divided into two parts. The first part will be held in March and will be a kick-off workshop, aimed at discussing the survey results. It will contain a brainstorming activity as preparation for the second follow-up event. The second part is the DORIC-MM workshop co-located at the ESWC 2021 conference4, to reach a broad stakeholder audience. For DORIC-MM, experts in the field are invited as keynote speakers and participants can discuss their current challenges in digitisation and data interoperability using domain ontologies.

The document is organised in five chapters. The first chapter reports on the communities in the direct focus of OntoCommons, as they are explicitly mentioned in the Description of Action or as there exists an OntoCommons demonstrator for the domain. These mainly include the domains of materials and manufacturing as well as their subdomains. The second chapter contains domains which we consider also relevant, despite not being explicitly mentioned in the Description of Actions. We discovered these domains as described above, by harvesting several registries for semantic assets. In the third chapter we focus on communities, which are not in the direct focus of the project. Nevertheless, these communities have shown large interest in domain-specific semantics, so that we consider it very plausible to approach them for cooperation the future. In the fourth chapter we present the next steps in more detail and provide a first look at our current survey draft. This survey will be sent to potential stakeholders very soon and its results will be
valuable input for the first focussed workshop in March. Finally, the conclusions of this work are shown in chapter five.



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OntoCommons – Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons 958371
European Commission