Published March 1, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.6 - First report on harmonized and developed ontologies

  • 1. University of Galway
  • 1. ROR icon École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes
  • 2. Goldbeck Consulting
  • 3. Università di Bologna
  • 4. ROR icon University of Oslo
  • 6. ROR icon SINTEF
  • 7. ROR icon UK Research and Innovation
  • 8. ROR icon Tekniker
  • 9. ROR icon Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • 10. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
  • 11. ATB
  • 12. University of Galway


To achieve interoperability, OntoCommons harmonizes domain-level ontologies (DLOs) and facilitates agreement in domain ontology development. As part of the effort of work package 3, an objective of OntoCommons is to provide alignments among existing DLOs from the stakeholders' community. This task requires completing several activities, including identifying existing DLOs and corresponding disciplines to be covered by the alignment effort, defining the level of alignment to be achieved by the DLOs, and finding gaps in the disciplines that can be filled with new DLOs. A second version of the harmonized DLO is planned to be published in the 34th month of the project. 
The report describes the methodology, list of disciplines and DLOs considered, and other technical details associated with the current development.



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OntoCommons – Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons 958371
European Commission