Published April 28, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.14 - Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory) and report on cooperation for furthering the role of the Industry Commons Translator v1

  • 1. Goldbeck Consulting


  • 1. Goldbeck Consulting
  • 2. ROR icon University of Oslo


In this deliverable we report our preliminary findings regarding the Industry Commons Translator resources (Profile, Best Practice, Directory). The content of this deliverable is based on stakeholder consultations and involvement of experts in bilateral exchanges, a Translator Session in the first OntoCommons global workshop and a dedicated expert meeting on the Translator role and profile.
Resulting from the discussions, the preliminary name used in the OntoCommons DoA (Industry Commons Translator) has been changed to Knowledge Management Translator (for Industry Commons), to both limit the role to a more manageable scope (focussed on ontology-based data documentation) and to make it easier to understand for communities less familiar with the Industry Commons concept.
It is recognised that the skillset of a Knowledge Management Translator is extensive and that there would be very few people today that could fill such a role. Bridging many fields, the profile involves familiarity with all parts of the OntoCommons EcoSystem (OCES), i.e., Top-, Middle- and Domain ontologies as well as the OCES toolkit, i.e., familiarity (if not at a high technical level) with what is by some described as Knowledge Engineering, as well as relevant domain knowledge and business awareness, all combined with excellent communication and team working skills. Given that the required skill set is extensive, it is likely that in practical terms the role will be fulfilled by a team of Translators working on a case rather than a “Jack-of-all-Trades”.
Best practises have been suggested by adapting those elaborated for the Materials Modelling Translators.
In addition to this Deliverable, OntoCommons beneficiaries and external experts are cooperating on a White Paper which will elaborate the profile and best practises in depth, establish the role with authority, support wider dissemination and stimulate further discussion as a basis for the second Translator Workshop and final Deliverable in this Task.



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European Commission
OntoCommons – Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons 958371