Data from DIAMAS follow-up survey about funding practices
The WP5 team of the DIAMAS project designed a follow-up survey to investigate the funding
practices of IPSPs more deeply. We examined the proportion of Diamond publishing within the
same IPSP by output type, and the capability to plan for the future. We also enquired about
spending priorities, reasons for fundraising and the amount of work required, and asked about
views on institutional publishing funding.
The project sent the follow-up survey to respondents of the DIAMAS survey (metadata and
aggregated data available here) who agreed to be contacted. Emails used unique identifiers,
enabling us to merge databases and easily recover information gathered from the first survey
for more advanced cross-analysis.
This follow-up survey was open during the last two months of 2023 and successfully garnered
469 answers. After cleaning (mainly deleting blank surveys and duplicates), we retained 383
relevant answers, a response rate of 56%.