Published March 2024 | Version v2
Working paper Open

Economic circumstances of children living in higher and lower educated families and the contribution of household structure: Comparison of 11 European countries


We study the contribution of household structure to the educational group income gap with cross-nationally comparable GGS data, including also regional information. We extend our perspective and unit of analysis from adults to children living in the households and study differences in children’s economic circumstances between higher and lower-educated families in multiple national and regional contexts. We aim to distinguish the contribution of household structure to the education group income gap and study whether there is geographical variation in how much this explains the education group differences in children’s economic circumstances. More specifically, we ask: 1) how much are the differences in economic circumstances of children living in higher and lower-educated households due to differences in household structure? And 2) does this vary between European countries and regions?



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European Commission
MapIneq – Mapping inequalities through the life course 101061645


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