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Published March 25, 2024 | Version v20240319
Dataset Open

Landsat-based soil spectral indices for pan-EU 2000-2022: Annual Landsat P75 (2004)



This data is part of the Soil Health data cube (EU, 30m) dataset. Check the related identifiers section below to access other parts of the dataset.

General Description

This dataset covers pan-European areas, including Ukraine, the UK, and Turkey. This data cube could be used for applications such as soil property mapping and comprehensive soil health assessment across Europe. This data cube includes:

  • Long-term trend (2000-2022):
    The long term trend data includes 4 pan-European trend maps: NDVI P50 trend, NDWI P50 trend, BSF trend, and minNDTI trend. They are calculated from the corresponding annual indices from 2000 to 2022.
  • Annual Landsat P25:
    Derived from bimonthly Landsat surface reflectance bands, this data provides an annually aggregated P25 from 2000 to 2022. The bands include red, green, blue, nir, swir1, swir2, thermal bands, and 2 indices NDVI and NDWI.
  • Annual Landsat P50:
    Similar to annual Landsat bands P25, but is aggregated as P50 instead. This data includes annual P50 aggregation of red, green, blue, nir, swir1, swir2, thermal, NDVI, and NDWI.
  • Annual Landsat P75:
    Similar to annual Landsat bands P25, but is aggregated as P75 instead. This data includes annual P75 aggregation of red, green, blue, nir, swir1, swir2, thermal, NDVI, and NDWI.
  • Annual aggregated indices:
    This dataset includes minimum NDTI, BSF, NOS and CDR. Each of them are annually aggregated from bimonthly NDVI time series within the corresponding year, through time analysis and statistics calculation.
  • Bimonthly Landsat bands:
    Derived from Landsat ARD v2 to analysis-ready, cloud-optimized bimonthly Landsat surface reflectance bands, spanning from 2000 to 2022. The bands include red, green, blue, nir, swir1, swir2, and thermal bands. Landsat ARD v2 provides spatial data of these bands, as well as the quality band at 16 days (23 layers of each year) interval from 2000 to 2023. Only pixels with clear sky according to quality band are kept. The gaps are firstly reduced by aggregating the 16 days interval data to bimonthly. The left gaps are then be gapfilled with SWAG method.
  • Bimonthly spectral indices:
    This dataset is derived from bimonthly Landsat surface reflectance bands through band operation, including NDVI, BSI, NDTI, NDSI, SAVI, NDWI, and FAPAR.

Related identifiers

Data Details

  • Time period: 2000–2022
  • Type of data: soil health data cube, with selected indices relevant to soil health monitoring.
  • How the data was collected or derived: Derived from Landsat ARD v2. Cloudy pixels were removed and only clear sky values were considered in further processing. The time-series gap-filling and time-series aggregation were computed using the Scikit-map Python package.
  • Statistical methods used: band operation, time series analysis and statistics calculation
  • Limitations or exclusions in the data: The dataset does not include data for Svalbard.
  • Coordinate reference system: EPSG:3035
  • Bounding box (Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): (900,000, 899,000, 7,401,000, 5,501,000)
  • Spatial resolution: 30m
  • Image size: 216,700P x 153,400L
  • File format: Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) format.


If you discover a bug, artifact, or inconsistency, or if you have a question please raise a GitHub issue: GitLab Issues (tbc)

Name convention

To ensure consistency and ease of use across and within the projects, we follow the standard Ai4SoilHealth and Open-Earth-Monitor file-naming convention. The convention works with 10 fields that describe important properties of the data. In this way users can search files, prepare data analysis etc, without needing to open files. The fields are:

  1. generic variable name: ndti.min.slopes = the long term slope of minNDTI
  2. variable procedure combination: glad.landsat.ard2.seasconv.yearly.min.theilslopes - theil slopes calculated from yearly minimum values of NDTI
  3. Position in the probability distribution/variable type: m = mean | sd = standard deviation | n = number of observations | qa = quality assessment
  4. Spatial support: 30m
  5. Depth reference: s = surface
  6. Time reference begin time: 20000101 = 2000-01-01
  7. Time reference end time: 20221231 = 2022-12-31
  8. Bounding box: go = global (without Antarctica)
  9. EPSG code: epsg.3035
  10. Version code: v20231218 = 2023-12-18 (creation date)



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Additional details


European Commission
AI4SoilHealth – AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory 101086179