Published February 28, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

AD4GD D7.1 Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation, including Standardization and Communication Activities

  • 1. ROR icon Mandat International
  • 2. ROR icon Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Applications
  • 3. Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals
  • 4. Design Terminal
  • 5. ROR icon Open Geospatial Consortium


The present deliverable provides a plan for dissemination, exploitation, standardization, and communication activities as part of Work Package 7, outlining the objectives and methodologies to be used for preparing actions as well as to share AD4GD outcomes in conjunction with the rest of the WP7 tasks.

The present plan will be updated regularly during the project lifetime to select appropriate tools and communication channels to be used by the consortium for both internal and external communication. The main elements of the plan will be the tasks, responsible partners, materials, audience and timing.


D7.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation including standardization and communication activities_v1.0.pdf

Additional details


AD4GD – All Data 4 Green Deal - An Integrated, FAIR Approach for the Common European Data Space 101061001
European Commission