Published March 20, 2024 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

ALIGNED D1.2 Description of scientific methods (Task 1.2 Framework for foreground life cycle inventory of bio-based sectors - Dynamic carbon accounting)


Project manager:

Project member:

  • 1. University of Antwerp
  • 2. ROR icon Aalborg University


Methods for foreground life cycle inventory

Method for dynamic carbon accounting of forest plantation

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This repository contains:

·        Dataset overview of biomass

A database in excel containing data to be used in the carbon flux model. The database includes appropriate values for the model input parameters for several different species and locations, allowing the user to choose or specify a setting most relevant for the feedstock they wish to model. 

·        LCA Carbon Flux emissions calculations

The Carbon Flux model is an Excel tool for modelling the life cycle inventory of a customizable forest plantation, including dynamic carbon stock calculations on a yearly basis. This consequential model takes into consideration the avoided products of a second, short rotation forest plantation. The model outputs can be used in a dynamic LCA of a product using wood as an input, or in a static LCA model, for example in SimaPro or brightway2.

·        A tutorial for dynamic carbon flux modelling of forest plantation

A tutorial for using the LCA Carbon Flux emissions calculations model, and exporting its results to different LCA software-compatible formats. The tutorial explains the main components of the Carbon Flux model, provides instruction for selecting values from the available scenarios, and guidance for more advanced users to tailor the inputs for a better fit to their specific case. It also contains basic instructions for using the model output in LCA projects, and links to the Python script for an automated conversion process to different formats.

·        Carbon Flux model validation data

A spreadsheet containing all data used for the validation process.

·        Carbon Flux model validation

A documentation of the Carbon Flux model validation process, including the description of the methods for validation, the justification of assumptions and data manipulation, the results yielded by the process, and interpretation of these results.



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Publication: 10.1007/s11367-016-1148-z (DOI)


European Commission
ALIGNED – Aligning Life Cycle Assessment methods and bio-based sectors for improved environmental performance 101059430


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