Published February 29, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

AD4GD D8.3 Data Management Plan


The Data Management Plan provides guidance and documentation on data management and personal data protection principles that need to be followed in the course of the project. It explains how partners are managing their data and how they are planning to ensure compliance with legal and ethical requirements, while providing data in a FAIR manner. It also describes the approach with regards to intellectual property rights. The Data Management Plan is a living document that will be regular-li reviewed and updated throughout the project’s lifecycle reflecting how the partners are implementing the initial strategy into managing practices at different points of the project.

In this intermediate report, we collected practices for most of the datasets in the project and ensured that the information contained in this document is consistent with the status of the project data catalogue (GeoNetwork). There are still some gaps in some aspects of the management that will be filled during the second part of the project lifespan.



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AD4GD – All Data 4 Green Deal - An Integrated, FAIR Approach for the Common European Data Space 101061001
European Commission