Published March 15, 2024 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

IPERION HS D7.4 Report on training activities


The essential aim of Task 7.1 was to provide targeted training to develop suitably skilled individuals and to raise awareness amongst potential users of the benefits of using IPERION HS facilities. To this purpose, two Doctoral Summer Schools (HS-DSS) and two Training Camps (HS-TC) aimed at developing highly skilled professionals in the wider heritage research community, fostering cooperation between the academic community and heritage and research institutions, have been organized.

The HS-DSS and HS-TC activities have been branded and advertised as being part of the IPERION HS Academy for consistency with webinars and other IPERION HS training activities. The first HS-TC has been organised by CENIEH and took place in Burgos and Atapuerca (Spain) from 11 to 15 July 2021; the second HS-TC has been organised by ITAM-CAS and took place in Telč (Czech Republic) from 26 to 30 July 2023. The first HS-DSS has been organised by UNIBO-M2ADL and was held, due to the COVID restrictions, online from 13 to 16 July 2021; the second HS-DSS has been organised by ZAG and took place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) from 26 to 30 July 2023.

The HS-DSS mainly reported on successful TNA and JRA achieved during the IPERION-CH project and were addressed to a postgraduate, PhD and post-doc audience. Due to the restrictions raised by the pandemic, only the 2023 edition in Ljubljana (Slovenia) was organised in person. The 2021 edition was completely delivered online.

As the HS-TCs were intended to be more interactive and more appropriate for learners with a mixed educational and professional background, they were both organised in person in 2022 and 2023 respectively. Both the HS-DSS and HS-TC attracted learners from a wide range of disciplines, so it has been crucial a careful selection of appropriate subject materials and lecturers.


IPERION HS D7.4 Report on IPERION HS training activities.pdf

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European Commission
IPERION HS – Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science 871034

