Published July 28, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

NanoPAT deliverable D2.3 - Summary of PDW applications for NPs monitoring


This deliverable D2.3 – “Summary of PDW applications for NPs monitoring” is developed as part of the NanoPAT project, which is a European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, under the Grant Agreement number 862583. It has been produced by PDWA, as leader of work package (WP) 2 on “Photon Density Wave (PDW) spectroscopy development”, based on the inputs and contributions from WP2 project partners UPV, ZHAW, UP, Covestro, Arkema, and Evonik (the individual partners are introduced here).
WP2 is connected to Objective 2 of the NanoPAT project which aims to develop an inline monitoring tool based on Photon Density Wave (PDW) Spectroscopy for the real time characterization of polymer dispersions, silica nanoparticles and zeolite nanoparticles (= case studies 1, 2 and 4, respectively). This tool shall subsequently be implemented in the production processes at the sites of the industrial partners (WP6). 
To accomplish this aim, WP2 pursues three objectives: 

  • the lab-scale replication of the industrial synthesis process of each case study, 
  • the optimisation of PDW inline monitoring for each process, and 
  • the comparison with standard reference measurement techniques.

The following deliverable gives a brief introduction to PDW spectroscopy and summarises the experimental work performed by the research and technology organisations (RTOs) in WP2 (M4 to M26), including inline PDW data for the specific industrial cases selected. It is linked to Tasks 2.1 (Laboratory test rig setup), 2.2 (RTO pilot tests for each relevant nanoparticles production case study), and 2.3 (Data analysis against reference methods) of the NanoPAT project.


NanoPAT Deliverable 2.3 .pdf

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European Commission
Process Analytical Technologies for Industrial Nanoparticle Production 862583