Published November 27, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.2 Training materials and tools for institutional transformation


This deliverable is a mapping of existing training materials and tools within the frame of EC-funded projects implementing systemic institutional transformation towards gender equality, with a specific focus on trainings that include gender-based violence. The aim is to give an overview of existing trainings and tools in the field to provide the basis and function as an inspiration for developing the SUPPORTER training scheme. It outlines existing trainings and tools and evaluates these according to a pre-defined set of criteria and for their applicability in the context of the SUPPORTER's Implementing Organisations (IOs). 

The deliverable consists of three parts. The first part, the introduction outlines the aims, the methods and materials used for identifying and evaluating trainings and tools. The second part is the mapping, which comes in the form of an appended pdf file (also available as worksheet). The third part, the conclusions, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of existing trainings and provides general recommendations on how to build on these existing trainings.


This project is funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101094529. Disclaimer: The current version of the deliverable has not been reviewed by the EC yet.


D2.2_Training materials and tools for institutional transformation.pdf

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