Published October 7, 2021 | Version v2
Other Open

D3.1 Code for ensemble evaluation in prototype V2

  • 1. CNRS


One of the main objectives of SEAMLESS is to develop innovative open-source based generation and assimilation methods to accelerate the transition of the physical and biological components of CMEMS MFCs to probabilistic systems, with a better ability to provide products with faithful associated uncertainties.

The purpose of this document is to introduce Deliverable D3.1, which consists of a toolbox (code) developed to assess the quality and relevance of model-generated ensembles and to provide probabilistic evaluation scores of ensemble assimilation methods. The toolbox is delivered as a code freely available at, supplemented by a user’s guide shown in annex of this document.

The package has been conceived in order to be easily plugged into existing software (such as the SEAMLESS prototype in WP2) used by all SEAMLESS partners in the frame of the present project, or applicable to ensemble-based CMEMS assimilation systems as well as other external prediction systems (e.g. the OceanPredict community). The user’s guide was written with the objective of presenting the tools in a consistent and “demystified” way in order to facilitate their learning, while avoiding the more complex mathematical formulations and technical details that are otherwise available in the referenced publications (see end of annex).


SEAMLESS D3.1 Code for ensemble evaluation in prototype version 2.pdf

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SEAMLESS – Services based on Ecosystem data AssiMiLation: Essential Science and Solutions 101004032
European Commission