ZeroPM is a research project funded by H2020.
ZeroPM will enable the EU Green Deal‘s ambition towards Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile Substances. ZeroPM will target groups of PFAS, and PMT/vPvM substances.
ZeroPM will do so by interlinking three key strategies: Prevent, Prioritize and Remove
ZeroPM will interlink and synergize prevention, prioritization and removal strategies to protect the environment and human health from persistent, mobile (PM) substances. To do this, ZeroPM will establish an evidence-based multilevel framework to guide policy, technological and market incentives to minimize use, emissions and pollution of entire groups of PM substances.
To prevent pollution, ZeroPM will activate the momentum of the EU's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and support its implementation through the development of scientific, policy and market tools supporting essential use and mitigation of prioritized PM substances, resulting in substitution to safe and sustainable alternatives. ZeroPM will prioritize PM substances and substance groups through the development and application of robust screening and prioritization tools aimed at identifying all PM substances on the global chemical inventory. These tools will take into consideration production, use, presence in the circular economy, hazard and risk established by advancing in silico and in vitro new approach methodologies (NAM) using non-animal approaches. ZeroPM will develop next generation remediation techniques to remove prioritized PM substances from water resources, drinking water and sludge-derived products sustainably.