The UCD Research Data Zenodo Community is managed and curated by UCD Library. The following rules apply:

  • Only researchers currently affiliated with UCD and those who were affiliated with UCD at the time the research was conducted can submit their data for deposition into the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community. If you have any queries, please contact UCD Library’s Data Managers at 

  • Only data relating to research/work created at the University College Dublin can be deposited to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community. If you have any queries, contact UCD Library’s Data Managers at

  • Research articles and other publications cannot be submitted to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community. Researchers who wish to make their publications available Open Access can instead do so via Research Repository UCD, UCD Library’s Open Access publication repository. Researchers submitting their data to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community are solely responsible for the content and the quality of files submitted to the Community.

  • All UCD researchers should ensure they are in full compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all relevant UCD policies including the UCD Research Data Management policy, UCD Research Ethics policy, UCD Code of Good Practice in Research with Humans and Animals and UCD Research Integrity policy.  By submitting their data to the UCD Research Data  Zenodo Community, the data submitters affirm that:

    • the data represents original work and does not infringe the intellectual property rights, including copyright, of any third party

    • third party material included in the data is clearly identified and acknowledged and sufficient and appropriate permissions have been secured for the third-party copyright material to be used

    • the data submission to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community does not constitute a breach of any other agreement, including any confidentiality or publication restriction provisions in sponsorship or collaboration agreements

  • Researchers are encouraged to include as much supporting information about their research data in the form of documentation and metadata as possible, in line with the FAIR Data Principles.

  • All submissions to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community require approval by UCD Library’s Data Managers. Upon successful approval, data will be added to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community. 


University College Dublin is not responsible for the content of research data submitted to the UCD Research Data Zenodo Community. Data submitters are solely responsible for the quality and content of the submitted data files.