This is the collection of materials created within the project "Demonstrating a Refinery-Adapted Cluster-Integrated Strategy to Enable Full-Chain CCUS Implementation - REALISE" funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (Grant Agreement 884266).

The overall objective of REALISE project is to develop a refinery-centred sector-coupling strategy to enable full-chain CCUS implementation, by demonstrating technologies to lower the cost of CO2 capture by at least 30% and increase the overall rate of CO2 capture to 90% by solving technical barriers, as well as developing recommendations for policy and regulatory changes to overcome societal, political and socio-economic barriers.

The project "Demonstrating a Refinery-Adapted Cluster-Integrated Strategy to Enable Full-Chain CCUS Implementation - REALISE" has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement 884266.

Visit our webpage for more information


Demonstrating a Refinery-Adapted Cluster-Integrated Strategy to Enable Full-Chain CCUS Implementation
European Commission
