Microbiomes, plastics and ocean circulation are the three pillars of research that will be studied by AtlantECO, together with their importance for the ecology, biodiversity, ocean-climate interactions and the potential for a sustainable exploitation of Atlantic natural resources.
The ambition of AtlantECO is to develop and apply a novel, unifying framework that provides knowledge-based resources for a better understanding and management of the Atlantic Ocean and its ecosystem services. In order to stimulate responsible behaviour and Blue Growth, AtlantECO engages with citizens and actors from the industry and policy sectors.
To realise its ambition AtlantECO brings together experts and pioneers from Europe, South America and Africa with the relevant resources, knowledge and experience. AtlantECO has four objectives / Activity Streams (AS#):
AS1 – Assess the status of ecosystem structures, functions, health and services at regional, basin and all Atlantic scales and provide high quality gridded data products and maps
AS2 – Enhance knowledge and Innovate by adopting standard optical and genetic observations protocols, cutting-edge network analysis methods, and better parameterisation of connectivity and biogeochemical models.
AS3 – Assess drivers and stressors of change and forecast their impact on tipping points and recovery of ecosystem structures, functions and services, and develop eco-socio-economic models to predict their future states
AS4 – Share and use capacity and knowledge across the four continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean ensuring a seamless engagement between science, industry, policy, and society.