This community includes the collection of deliverables and data created within the AiRT Project.
The main goal of the AiRT project is to provide the European CI (creative industries) SMEs a tool that will help them to offer new services, which in turn will increase their chances to grow within the European and international market. To accomplish this objective, AiRT project has developed the world´s first indoor RPAS specifically designed for professional use by the CIs.
The main goal of AiRT project is to provide the European CI (creative industries) SMEs a tool that will help them to offer new services, which in turn will increase their chances to grow within the European and international market. To accomplish this objective, AiRT project has developed the world´s first indoor RPAS specifically designed for professional use by the CIs.
Four major innovations have to be highlighted in the AiRT Project:
a) The RPAS,
b) The IPS (indoor positioning system), based on novel UWB wireless radio technology, especially suitablefor indoor spaces,
c) The 3D mapping software for indoor environments,
d) Multiplexers approach to improve safety.
AiRT consortium brings together a group of four partners from three European countries with a complementary and outstanding range of experiences, skills, competences and resources essential to achieve the innovation objectives: the world's first indoor RPAS designed for professional use by CIs.
Project acronym: AiRT Project
Grant agreement: 732433
Duration: 01/01/2017 - 30/06/2018
Consortium: Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain, Coordinator), Pozyx Labs BVBA (Belgium), Aerotools UAV (Spain), Clearhead Media Ltd (UK)