AGILE 4.0 project funded by EU Commission H2020 Program, will provide the aircraft industry with a way to model, assess, and optimize complex aeronautical systems addressing the entire life cycle - Requirements, Design, Production, Supply chain, Certification and Maintenance. The project is coordinated by German Aerospace Center - Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics. The consortium is composed of 16 international partners from Universities, Research Institutes and Industries.

The high level objective of AGILE 4.0 is to bring significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time-to-market through the implementation of an integrated cyber-physical aeronautical supply chain, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the European aircraft industry, from integrators and high-tiers suppliers to SMEs, leading to innovative and more sustainable aircraft products.

Time: September 2019 - February 2023


LinkedIn : AGILE4.0

ResearchGate : AGILE4.0



Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts
European Commission