ACT4CAP27 Horizon EU project: Advancing Capacity and analytical Tools for supporting Common Agricultural Policies post 2027
The Common Agricultural Policy is the European Union's flagship policy for supporting the agricultural sector, ensuring food security, and safeguarding rural development while it is also a key tool for reaching the objectives of the European Green Deal, including the Farm to Fork and the Biodiversity Strategy. With these policy strategies, the EU aims for more sustainable food systems. Effectively supporting the policy impact assessment in this new context is a great challenge for the existing quantitative modelling tools as it requires them to substantially enhance the thematic coverage to comprehensively address all the components of the European Green Deal and ensure consistency with the monitoring systems in place. ACT4CAP27 responses to this challenge by enhancing the analytical capacity of the key policy tools (CAPRI,GLOBIOM,MAGNET,AGMEMOD) used by the European Commission to assess short-term and long-term policy impacts on EU’s agri-food systems and providing evidence-based knowledge supporting analysis for the design of agri-food policies post 2027. ACT4CAP27 develops a consistent, interdisciplinary methodological framework to operationalise and quantify relevant aspects of the EU agri-food system and related policies post 2027 and their economic, social (including health), environmental and climate sustainability impacts. Act4CAP27 addresses the main shortcomings of current modelling tools with its Act4CAP27 Modular Toolbox for EU Food System Modelling which provides a basis for innovation by creating a collaborative space and a modular model infrastructure for the whole EU agri-food research community and beyond. The Act4CAP27 Dissemination and Stakeholder Platform establishes an appropriate and inclusive engagement with stakeholders to co-create, communicate, and disseminate Act4CAP27 research results. ACT4CAP27 launches an Interactive Roadmap for guiding EU, national and regional policy makers weigh up policy objectives towards more sustainable outcomes.
Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-02 - Advancing analytical capacity and tools to support EU agri-food policies post 2027
Coordinated by STICHTING WAGENINGEN RESEARCH (The Netherlands) the project brings together 13 research institutions from eight EU countries, Ukraine and the UK.
Further information can be found on the project's online channels:
Project website:
LinkedIn page of ACT4CAP27:
Bluesky page of ACT4CAP27:
Twitter "X" page of ACT4CAP27:
Cordis factsheet of the project:
OpenAIRE page of the project
Project duration: 1 March 2024 – 28 February 2029
Funded by the European Union. ACT4CAP27 Horizon Europe Grant Agreement No. 101134874. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.