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Published September 26, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Advanced Analytics Applied to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Steel Ladle Logistics

  • 1. Tata Steel Nederland, TU Wien
  • 2. Tata Steel Nederland
  • 3. TU Wien


In the steelmaking sector, improving the steel ladle logistics can be leveraged to enhance energy efficiency regarding the refractory lining’s thermal behavior and lifetime. The inefficient management of ladles can yield unexpected results, such as failure to achieve the production and quality targets, excessive energy losses, and reduction of the lifetime of the ladles. Hence, incorporating advanced analytics tools into the decision making process is essential to achieve higher production demands while being energy efficient during the entire lifetime of the ladles.


PhD15 - UNITECR-2023 - Poster - Victor RUELA.pdf

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CESAREF – Concerted European action on Sustainable Applications of REFractories 101072625
European Commission