Published September 25, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data for modelling of bark beetle damage and outbreaks in Austria

  • 1. Finnish Meteorological Institute, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis
  • 1. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis


The data shows salvage logging amounts caused by the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in Austrian political district resolution combined with climatic and forest structure parameters for the same year and district.

The data set comprises of 6 files:

  • Data_Geography.csv  :  Collected data of the considered political districts of Austria, naming convention for the rest of the files, total area, population and population density of 2023, number of municipalities and the reference latitude, longitude and elevation for the "district center" chosen in this analysis.
  • Data_Climate_AUTDistrictCenters.csv  :  Data extracted or calculated from Copernicus E-OBS Dataset and mapped to reference district centers given in the Data_Geography.csv file. Climate parameters include temperatures (minimum, maximum, average), precipitation, humidity, radiation, windspeed plus bark beetle-relevant calculated parameters like degreedays, estimated start and end date of brooding season, and frostdays during winter that indicate overwintering success of bark beetles.
  • Data_BMLRT_AnnualLoggingReports.xlsx  :  Collected data from Austrian logging reports in political district-resolution, stating salvage logging from bark beetle and storm damage to deciduous trees yearly from 2003-2022. Units are Efm (harvest cubic meters), Vfm (stcok cubic meters) and ha (hectar). Around 95% of bark beetle damages to deciduous trees were identified to be caused by Ips typugraphus to Picea abies.
  • Data_BWF_DocumentationOfForestdamagefactors.xlsx  :  Collected data from Austrian documentation of forest damaging agents mostly in federal state-level resolution, stating bark beetle and storm damage to forests from 1989-2022.
  • Data_BWF_ForestInventory.csv  :  Collected data from Austrian forest inventories in political district-resolution yearly from 1996-2021, including total district area , total forest area, total coniferous forest area, total spruce area and associated shares and stocks, as well as some scarce data on dead wood.
  • Data_Merged_NaNcleared.csv  :  Table that contains all overlapping and imputed data from above, cleared of NaN values. Ready for further calculations or analysis.


The python scripts for calculating the present (and more) bark beetle-relevant parameters can be found on GitHub:  in .ipynb format.


These data were prepared for the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis Young Scientists Summer Program 2023. The report will be available online in 2024. The work of Freistetter has been carried out with funding from the Academy of Finland (decision number 341311).



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Sustainable Climate Change mitigation strategies in Energy-Land-Material Systems (SuCCESs) / Consortium: SuCCESs 341311
Academy of Finland


  • Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Annual Logging Reports
  • Austrian Federal Research Centre for Forest, Documentations of Forest Damaging Factors
  • Austrian Federal Research Centre for Forest, Forest Inventories
  • Cornes, R., van der Schrier, G., van den Besselaar, E.J.M., Jones, P., (2018): An Ensemble Version of the E-OBS Temperature and Precipitation Datasets, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123.